3GPP document tools

These tools search 3GPP Change Request (CR) data or quickly access a 3GPP document if you know its document number. They build on the already excellent facilities provided by the 3GPP web site.

Quick access to 3GPP by document number

Enter the 3GPP meeting document number or file name to search for (eg SP-110111):

This search is performed on a cached copy of the 3GPP FTP server directory. The cache is updated approximately once per week. This means that this search is not appropriate for meetings that are ongoing or about to happen.  

3GPP Change Request (3GPP CR) search

CR search criteria (leave blank for "don't care").
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This search is performed on a copy of the 3GPP CR database. If you require the very latest 3GPP data please download the latest version of the database from 3GPP.  


This tool is provided on an "as-is" basis and no guarantee is provided as to the availability or accuracy of the information provided.

"3GPP" is a registered trade-mark. Use of the term “3GPP” does not imply endorsement by 3GPP or its associated organization.